Consultancy - Training - Certification

To assure evidential compliance with legislation and certifications relevant to your organisation, MATS Consultancy works with our clients to devise strategies and systems to mitigate the risk of fines and malpractice.
Contact us should you have any compliance requirements other than those shown below:
ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO27001, ISO13485, ISO17025, ISO22301, ISO22000, ISO55001. ISO20000, etc.
PAS 2030 and TrustMark
CQC and Ofsted
BAFE, CHAS, ConstructionLine
... Anything else not listed? Contact us to discuss your needs.
If your business has certifications, regulations or legislation that it must abide by to trade, you could greatly benefit from a consultation with our team
Examples of where we can help you include:
Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme
The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme for fleet operators which aims to raise the level of quality within fleet operations, and to demonstrate which operators are achieving exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency, and environmental protection.
& Contractor's Health and Safety Assessment Scheme
Constructionline helps both sides of the a deal bypass typical problems associated with the tender process, saving everyone time, money and hassle in the process.
The CHAS certification or certificate for accreditation is meant for consultants and contractors who apply for work with private and public sector organisations. Some buyers require a contractor is CHAS accredited before they allow you to tender.